
This page is where I'll digitize all my unfinished/unrefined poems from my notebook, and thoughts too.

In the night

I ponder, with the influence of sadness turned to sonder
Lest how much more can I take, when my mental is fragile so shall it break
O' far too long I've lived ignorantly so, now karmas awake-
Vivid contemplations of prior decisions and all the wrong takes- I've been a disgrace
Even so, will I survive this painful lesson no person should embrace?
Yearning while I work day and night, with no end in sight
Overly thinking of my love who's gone from my life
Unkempt while lost in thought- dreams that we will reunite. 
Curious of, if like a ray of light, reflecting off glass into its many refractions
About how different would my life have been if I had taken an alternate distraction 
Regardless, would we have met, and would I have the same reaction?
Revelled in thought, I think-- and think, "yes, very much so!"
Indeed, for when thine love aligns to someone there's that undoubtable connection.
Nothing in this world could relenquish my romantic desire
Going forth with my thoughts and never do they tire.
To love and let go, I cannot digress;
O' how I love you and only you! And I would contend, for in my life, to earn your love is my quest.
Night skies and broken-hearted, I write this poem for you to attest my love, for it does not rest.
Inebriation was the foundation of his blinded excursions.
What a careless life he had led. 
A drunken fool, living a life of ignorant bliss
Till the day it came back as he had incurred.
Gone are thine friends, lover, and even job 
Had he need to be censured?
Oncest of enamouration of thine dame he envisioned to gain
Insecurity beset unto him, impervious feelings as if of childish decree.
Left alone with absolute loneliness, not much could he comprehend,
For those days so cold, were filled with dread.
Thoughtless actions, he who of dispeakable disdain
As if from the depths of hell, had he reigned.
Lover from moon & back 
Shaken not from mind
For entranced my soul, trapped it sits
Willed forever to love thine lover
Resist not I the feelings 
For truth-side they came.
Friend of an other time, oft wonder how you are. 
If befit may it seem to not consider me of friends anymore, then so be it considered, but my friendship will still be ajar. 
Regardless, my mind reminiscent of you and our time together, truly were you a best friend of mine; not just were, but remain in my heart. 
If chosen to have me near-not, obligating I will be. 
But, if encroached by change in your mind, patiently waiting can you find me. 
My time, having spent in your company, shaped my interests. 
It seemed as if of family were we, be it not, but perceiving protruded such impressions. 
(This one I submitted to a contest, but looking back at it I see now that I should've tweaked it better lmao)

Standing by the lake, I saw a long-tailed bird flying, 
As if dancing with the rays of the sun it soared gracefully. 
Meanwhile, I admired the luminous golden rays of light 
Piercing through the trees reflecting off the lake.
Looking unto this lake as if to look within the past from my reflection
My blissfulness had turned to melancholic wonder:
Comtemplating prior decisions and all the wrong takes.
Friends I've lost from my ignorant actions;
Looking up to my father, wishing to be like him-
Have I disappointed him for my own selfish discretions?
Bathing in the sun, I think, "is this the man I wanted to be?"

Revelled in thought, I sat down, the bird kept catching my attention,
With it's gracefulness It was a divine sight to see,
It reminded me of a phoenix, rising above boundless.
I looked around, and looking at the sun-kissed trees
And that's when it had occured to me.
Perhaps the past, I was not the man I wished to be,
Dispeakable disdain of such disgrace
But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, or a tree persistenty growing;
Karmas painful lesson nonetheless I must embrace.
To be better for the future, a reflection of the past one must take.
And so, once again my feelings had yet again changed
Feeling hopeful for what's to come,
I watched the bird as it slowly flew away.